Friday, February 24, 2006

Chapter 1 - (f)email dump .

Roses are red
Violets are blue ,
Gp met Wendy*
and caught the bird flu.

*Wendy == GPs GF to ex-GF to GF ( Name changed for saving our own jobless asses)

A long long time ago , in lands far far away , isolated from the influence of the wisdom of man , lived a 'female' who liked GP . Oh, the tales of their legendary love ! How smitten were they with the passion of youth ! He spent a lot of his time hopelessly lost in her deep eyes . He discovered how beautiful parabolae could be ( Eyes , you perverts ) . With his new found interest in mathematics , our man just killed JEE to become one more esoteric IITian .

This however , was not a fairytale . It was made on Earth and like all terrestrial couples ,

a) They went for a long walk in the rain .
b) They talked for long hours on the phone . ( We have it from sources that the record was
1hr, 45 minutes )
c) Went steady for nearly a year and a half and had an 'understanding' with each other .

Of course , they did even more down to earth things like

a) He sang for her
b) He got paid for by her ( Junta , take pointers )
c) He got touched by her on the hand once ! ( Gp was a virgin till then. )

Alas ! Our man , with a rank of 602 is banished to the Electrical Engineering Department at IIT Madras . Gp , gets a cell , Reliance - Karlo Duniya Mutthi main ( pun unintended ) .Though conversation flowed and the Reliance guys got richer , the waves went out of phase .

' If man not close to woman , woman get another man '

- Old Japanese saying.

After three torturous months ( No idea for who ) a mail was received by GP in PJ's room and the rest is History .

Excerpt from mail sent by Wendy to GP ( unreliable source ( our brains) )

" Dearest cutie pie ,

You are the best thing that ever happened to me . But I've been thinking about my future here , but you are ... er .. there . Well ,I just wanted to tell you that our understanding is not actually working out . Its not me , its you .... or should it be the other way round ? I am not good at these kind of things . Anyway , if you want to call me up or have a friendly chat , remember that I screen my calls .Anyway , my mobile number has changed . Rahul got me a Nokia 8800 ..So chweet of him na ... TATA


Your never-never girl ,

Wendy "

To be continued ...

Shimul & Harish

Note 1 ) GP has thus gone down in the annals of IIT Madras to be the first guy to be dumped by e-mail .This really happened in GP's first year when he was checking mail on PJ's computer , when his rom'antics' were discovered .

Note 2 ) The authors have nothing against GP . He is the man . This series was inspired by GP's claim that he has no skeletons in his closet .However as you can see , he has a whole graveyard .

Note 3 ) Please contribute to this blog actively . Please give your e-mail IDs in the comments section so that we can add you as a contributor .( GANGA WING-5 Junta only ! )

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Kenny Dies in Wing 5 . < Oh my God !! They killed Kenny .. Those Bastards>

Om (348) : Oh my God ..( monotonous tone ) They killed Kenny (same monotonous tone ) . Ok

Harish(347) : On my God .. They killed Kenny.. I am so depressed . Life is always like this . We are all going to die someday . What does it matter ? ( Sleeps off and performs badly in his Quiz the next day )
Note(by shimul): He is however suprised by his extremely good marks when he gets the paper.

Middle (346) : Oh my God .. ( few gyrations of head and body ) ! They killed Kenny ( and more ) Anyway,have all the arrangements been made? ti's fair da he had to die someday.Fine so u, u and u take care of this while I will do the other stuff.

VD aka Voodoo dick(345) : Oh my God! ..This female Aishwarya has just scrapped me back in orkut . I am sure she was waiting for me to scrap her .The other day I was orkutting at 3 AM in the morning and she suddenly came online . I chatted with her till 5 . Guess what i have been seeing Hindi Movies nowadays....My mind works at the speed of lightning I am able to accomplish in one day what it takes other people weeks to achieve...You know what I saw four movies in a day yesterday... yeah what were we talking about ? Oh yes , Kenny just got killed. Does that mean his girlfriend is available now ? She is so sexy .. I was actually thinking of killing Kenny for her .. but now that he is dead , peace .. You know this Prof in the elec department ........

GP (344) : Oh my God .. They killed Kenny ! But seriously...wait who was Kenny? oh that Kenny.... Slips on his shoelaces , tries to grab hold of Harish for support , but unable to restrain the momentum , both of them plummet down from the second floor and die . Oh my God .. GP killed HARISH ....

Abhay(Dicky ) :
Oh my God .. They killed Kenny . I will be able to simulate him on my comp anyway .. so I wont miss him . ( A mosquito lands on his forehead ) Aaaaaaaaah ! An insect .... (faints in fear)

Happy : Oh my God .. They killed Kenny . Ah! The old adage a friend in need is good, but Kenny with weed was better.Rats, now me and ma homies have to look for a new contact.Dey Sanjay lets go to tarams for a fag .....(NO response)

Sanjay : Dey mother,thev%^%$ B%$#@.... crap fragged again ...what?..Oh my God .. ( dadadada bing bing boom ) They killed Kenny ? He doesnt play Counter Strike ...anyway was it a head shot ? ( boom boom bang )

Shimul : Oh my God .. They killed Kenny .. It doesnt matter anyway i have seen all episodes of Southpark as well as Friends , Naruto , Bleach ..........

with minor inputs from Shimul,
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